Do you encounter each day as if it is your last? Are you thankful that God allowed you to wake up to see another day? Have you considered all the factors that make you happy in life? These are just a few questions for you to ponder when you feel that your good isn't good enough. Each day we encounters obstacles, some larger than others, but God allows his children to go through struggles so we can have a testimony. You may encounter people who have evil intentions towards you, which leaves you with the questions: why me? Trust me, I have been there. But why not you? God gives his battles to his strongest soldiers and we are equipped with the full armor of God, so hey, let's fight! The enemy is sent to kill, steal and destroy, but it is up to Christians to handle the obstacles with the faith of a mustard seed. I come to you today with a scripture to keep you focused and moving along your day. Allow God to fight your battles and the rest will fall in place. Scripture for the day: Psalm 119:95-105
Be Blessed,
Carla M. Pennington
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